Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Skirmishes in the Dark : 06-07-2010

6th of July, in the year 2010, Paradigm Infinitum.
After dinner, my fear of not having enough players for the night was proven groundless and we formed 2 tables of 4 very quickly, including the demo table that I sat on for the introduction of the game to 2 new players. Welcome to the game!
After that we split into another 2 tables of four for the night.
Randomized seating for the game -
John's Malkavian Bleed, bleeding
My Air Rock, bleeding
LF's !Malkavian Stealth Bleed, bleeding
Bann's Nephandus
This was my first game with the re-tuned "Ryan-style" Air Rock, which was rebuilt to celebrate the beauty of Vtes combat, and therefore I wasn't expecting to survive too long, and my sole objective in this game was to send as many vampires to torpor as possible. This is now a "feel good" deck.
Nevertheless, sitting below a Malkavian Bleed is never a good thing, and by turn 2, John had brought out Persia, followed closely by Adelaide Davis and a third vampire whom I can't remember. Without a defender at turn 2, I took a bleed of 2 (only 2!) from Persia before I influenced Ferox onto the table as my first defender.
Meanwhile my prey had Hagar Stone, Persephone and eventually Bloody Mary, and started putting much pressure on my ally. Bann's first vampire was Pentex-ed, but an early Jake Washington burnt the Pentex immediately and he started putting Nephandus onto the table, supported by the FBI.
At turn 3, I put a Guardian Angel on Ferox, recruited a Razor Bat, and merged Ferox. With that, I have a +3 Intercept against John's bleed actions, that put the whole game in a new perspective, and definitely given John a serious headache. I took the first bleed from John as I was afraid of Coma since I don't have a Roll nor an Immortal Grapple on me. With a Skin of the Chameleon in my hand I was willing to take a risk and blocked the second attempt to bleed me. The battle with Persia went well, and a Raking Talon-ed Pounce sent Persia into torpor.
I then put Perfectionist onto Ferox, slapped an Armor of Terra on him, and then put Preternatural Strength on Ferox, making him a deadly on-board combat monster. I then influenced Fidus onto the table.
Ferox successfully blocked another bleed from John, and Disarmed the vampire, sending the second vampire into torpor. By then the Nephandus are giving John quite a bit of problem, and he wasn't attacking me that aggressively anymore. That brief period of breathing space allowed me to let Fidus get an Ivory Bow and a Heart of Nizchetus. Meanwhile, Ferox started to test LF's defense with small bleeds and an occasional Dive Bomb when he managed to draw an Immortal Grapple - sure enough, everytime I sent my Ferox into battle, the opponent went into torpor.
However, my Fame on Hagar Stone did not came into effect, and Bann was quickly bled to death by LF, and she started to work on John's pool. A moment later John was ousted. I managed to send 3 of LF's 4 vampires into torpor, but she eventually sneaked pass my defenses and ousted me. Curses!
Well, but I did sent many vampires into torpor. Really felt good~
Final VP Count -
LF - Everything! Plus GW.

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