Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Skirmishes in the Dark : 09-08-2010

The night of 9th August, in the year 2010, Games Garage.
National Day, and 9 Methuselahs gathered at Games Garage to continue the Eternal Jyhad. I turned up too since the previous Saturday I had like 4 games with my deck struggling to survive and never ever ousted a single prey, but was instrumental in preventing my predator from killing me, and with the exception of the first game, survived every other one till time out. And that was achieved with 3 different decks!
It was a sad sad day, so I turned up again to try to see if this is going to be a trend...and it was!
The first game was pretty hazy after a while, and I can't really recall what exactly happened, but my Cryptic Mission deck did keep LF's stealth bleeder away until nearly the end game, engaging all my allies (and prey's) help whenever I was in a fix. Needless to say, I was ousted, but last really really long against a Malkavian Stealth bleeder. It was also a game where on-table effects had powerful impacts. My Hunger Moon and Restricted Vitae and Bann's Tension in the Ranks all contributed to the table's mess. In the end, Keith's random Fame ousted LF (that was truly unexpected, and I did not fall prey to LF but to Keith instead.
Game 2 was close too.
Randomized seating for Game 2.
BK's !Salubri, bleeding
Keith's Soul Feast, bleeding
My Army of Shadows, bleeding
YY's Brujah Alastor, bleeding
Lee Wen's !Nosferatu Wall.
With Dmitra on table, I know my votes are going to be challenged by my prey, so I brought out Gratiano to challenge YY's votes, and eventually both of us had 5 votes on table, neither being able to push through most of the votes without Keith's help! Keith had a 2-votes Giovanni, and he became the one that both YY and me go to whenever we need to call any votes.
Meanwhile, Keith was having a terrible hand, and had a whole hand full of Deflections and Redirections and Soul Feasting, and BK doesn't really bleed much. So despite all the bounces that Keith sent to me, I was in a rather ok position. Or so I thought, until YY join in the attacks.
On the other hand, the single KRCG that BK had became his equipment that allowed him to give me or YY the ability to block our actions, and that was pretty annoying for me. YY's position was also in a mess since LeeWen's Teresita had Mr Winthrop on and that was a nasty 2 Intercept against him before taking into account her Information Network.
The game was stalling until YY brought out Ossian, but both ends were not too worried about Ossian combat, so YY was still in a bad position until he successfully convinced LeeWen not to block his Parity Shift so that he could leech 5 pool away from me, leaving me with 4 pool.
With Antonio, Gratiano and Ignatious, I therefore had no choice but to try to stealth bleed through YY's defense. All his vampires were tapped at that point, with only Ossian standing in the way. 2 Conditioned Governed with Gratiano's +1 Bleed, complete with OBT stealth allowed me to get through to him, and finally ousted YY to give me the vote superiority.
By then Keith had finally give in to his bad hand and was ousted by BK, and I was faced with 2 sides that had intensive combat. I could probably handle one, but not both, so I made a pact with LeeWen to not attack her at all until BK dies.
BK's Fame on Ignatious cut my pool to 1 before LeeWen finally got him, and I was able to Horseshoe one of LeeWen's vampire into torpor and we were on a 2 vs 2 where vampires were concerned but LeeWen had over 10 pool to work with.
The battle was intense as I tried to defend myself against her low but persistent bleeds. Eventually I reduced her pool to 1, but was unable to deal with a single Swallowed by the Night's stealth bleed for 1!!!!!
Final VP Count
LeeWen - 3 VPs plus GW
BK - 1 VP
Me - 1 VP

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