Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Singing a New Tune - Air Rock

Crypt (12 vampires)
3x Anarch Convert
2x Ferox, The Rock Lord
3x Ferox, The Rock Lord Adv
1x Ublo-Satha
1x Obsidian
1x Fidus, The Shrunken Beast
1x Erinyi
Library (90 cards)
Action (12)
2x Ambush
2x Armor of Terra
1x Bum's Rush
1x Constant Revolution
1x Harass
4x Hatchling
1x Status Perfectus, The
Action Modifier (13)
8x Freak Drive
2x Monkey Wrench
2x Skin of the Chameleon
1x Soar
Combat (26)
7x Diversion
2x Immortal Grapple
2x Pounce
6x Raking Talons
5x Rockheart
2x Roll
2x Unflinching Persistence
Master (19)
1x Anarch Free Press, The
1x Anarch Railroad
1x Coven, the
1x Guardian Angel
1x Hospital Food
1x Poacher's Hunting Ground
1x Powerbase: Los Angeles
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Rack, the
2x Rotschreck
1x Seattle Committee
6x Vessel
1x WMRH Talk Radio
Reaction (14)
6x Forced Awakening
2x On the Qui Vive
4x Patrol
1x Steadfastness
Retainer (6)
5x Razor Bat
1x Stone Dog
Well, I've always loved the Gargoyles. I think they're the strongest combat clan available in Vtes, with effectively 4 disciplines to call upon in fighting, and most of them very good in a battle. I had this Air Rock deck for a while, and always had fun when I played with it. It however, rarely wins me games.
Its previous version had several problems - pool gain, blood gain, and most importantly, slow and low bleeds. I've tried using Force of Will and relied on Armor of Terra to absorb the cost before, but it still didn't perform efficiently.
So here's my latest version, trying to use Anarch tech to rectify some of the issues.
Blood gain is easier now with Hospital Food and Anarch Free Press, Coven and the Rack. I'm not using Jack of Both Sides in this incarnation, so I shouldn't be having too much problem with blood on the Vampires.
Pool gain is ever going to be a problem. The Vessels and a single Powerbase Montreal are my only option in supporting my pool expenditure on master cards and the Razor Bats. It is not perfect, but I'll have to rely on my intercepts to deal with the enemy's bleeds.
Offense is greatly aided with the Hatchlings, and all but 2 of my Gargoyles are non-slaves. With Monkey Wrench I can bleed for more, but I'll still rely on blocking and attacking to kill off the prey's Vampires.
This is a rather passive deck, waiting to get the deck into shape before it can start dealing damage to the opponent. It relies on a good start and hopefully a predator that is not stealthy enough to sneak past and cause too much damage.
In combat this deck is pretty alright. Raking Talons will simply deter decks that doesn't have the ability to deal with aggravated damage, while also post a danger in blocking FOR Vampires with Rotschreck. Rockheart and Armor of Terra should keep my Vampires safe from most attacks, and the Razor Bats will be there to cause further damage and wither down the opponent's blood or cards. The Pounce will make even the lowliest Hatchling a danger to fight.
All in all I don't think this deck will perform very well. But Gargoyles are getting a new starter soon, and who knows what they will get then? Better train up the current incarnation before the new fellas join the fray!

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