This card is so powerful I don't see why any True Brujah will not include a couple (if not more) in their deck. Summon History and Outside the Hourglass may be getting all the attention, but I think that this mighty card is definitely more powerful than those, and is one of the, if not THE, most powerful card printed in HttB.
Let's look at the core purpose of this card.
At it's most basic purpose, it allows the user to look at your prey's hand. This intelligence is mostly used when you're deciding whether or not to do something important or crucial, be it defensive or offensive. The simplest utility anyone can immediately think of is to use this card to ascertain whether or not your prey can block / deflect / AI your bleeds. This could be life or death to you and/or your prey.
YY was telling me that many tournament winning decks include Revelation so as to gather intelligence of their opponents in order to make informed decisions. I cannot agree more that this is absolutely brilliant. Now look at what Vaticination can do, in such a much more superior way, when compared to Revelation, and you have a glimpse of how powerful this card is.
Besides looking at a specific Methuselah's hand, Vaticination allows you to look at everybody's hand. The next important Methuselah that you want to be kept informed is of course, your predator. And if you know what his hand is like, chances are, you can guess to a good degree what he intends to do next round, and can therefore plan your defenses accordingly. As for every other Methuselah, well, it doesn't hurt to know what kind of decisions and options are available to them.
Speaking of which, Vaticination adds a most disturbing ability to its package. You can choose to discard a card from among all these cards that you've seen. With this ability, you can try to remove potentially harmful cards that will give you trouble - could be as simple as an AI so that you can bleed many many without losing vampires, could be Deflections so that you can bleed responsibly, or it could be that Bum's rush that you know you can't handle, could even be a Gehenna card on the other side of the table that you simply hates.
This ability makes Vaticination a powerful offensive weapon, and a mighty defensive shield. It also makes it into a most incredible negotiation machine. With this card, you will have a very good understanding of the table, and be in a position to diverge information subtly to your allies in exchange for many different boons - knowing what everybody else can do will allow you to make very enticing deals.
Now, do remember that if everybody's hand is as bad as it could be, you can always discard a card from your own hand to cycle - if you need.
And it's +3 Stealth. Sure, everybody can try to block it. But it's +3 Stealth.
I still think that this is the most powerful card in HttB.
1 comment:
Absolutely true. This card is totally overpowered. To add something more... it cost Zero blood or pool.
If the requirement would be a standard (not scarce) bleed clan like ventrue,tremere, malkavian... people would cry to ban it.
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