Monday, July 12, 2010

Skirmishes in the Dark : 10-07-2010

10th July, in the year 2010, Games Garage.
A new place for us to play Vtes, and a new Vtes gathering night on Saturday at Games Garage. I'll write about the new place some time later, but for a start, it is a great place to play Vtes. Nice table, ample time, and actually reasonably convenient for quite a lot of us. We do have to pay for it of course, and it will not replace our Tuesday Vtes night at PI; but I think it will become quite a permanent haven for a Saturday night gathering.
Anyway, due to the productive atmosphere and ample space, we had about 10 Methuselahs (come and go) for the night, and I actually managed to get 4 games! And actually because of that, I lose track of pretty much what had gone on, and therefore couldn't recall enough to write about the games. I'll proceed to make notes for the next night.
What was interesting that night was mainly my Along came a Spider Deck dedicating Hasani in rescuing my ally's (Derek's wife Lee Wen) vampires from torpor, while she tried really really hard in attacking my predator (Bann) whom was having quite a lot of success sending her vampires back into sleep. It was a pretty sad game for Bann, since his aggravated damage can deal very little problem for my Akunanse, and Rotschreck has little chance to work on me.
Another game I had was with my Angry Dragon deck, where my Bupe Kuila managed to torpor many vampires with Typhonic Beast and won the table in the end. The other two games with my Air Rock ended up the way it normally does - the first to be ousted. Nevertheless, Ferox was still very successful in sending opposing vampires into torpor - I can finally appreciate how Ryan feels about combat.
Overall, a great night for Vtes, and I think there would be more to come in the coming nights.
Vivela Vtes.

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