Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Skirmishes in the Dark : 13-07-2010

Night of 13th July, in the year 2010, Paradigm Infinitum.
After setting up my stuff in Takashimaya Craziest Toys Sales, I trot over to PI for Vtes night. After waiting for a while there were finally enough Methuselahs to start a 6-player table! That included Gerentt who came back from US for a while to be bled by us.
Randomized seating for the 6-player game.
John's Malkavian Sneak bleed, bleeding
YY's Flash deck, bleeding
Gerentt's Brujah Vote, bleeding
My Air Rock, bleeding
LF's Samedi, bleeding
G1's Nosferatu.
This is my 6th adventure with my Air Rock, and my objective was simply to not be the first player to be ousted again, as with the 5 previous times. This game I was to have much more success with the deck than I ever had.
The game started with YY's very bad draw. I saw him discarding Concealed Weapon after Concealed Weapon. He soon had several little weenies on the table, with no guns. John took the opportunity to start bleeding him with his Malkavians and slapped an Escaped Mental Patient on table. Meanwhile, Gerentt had his first Prince - Karen Suedala on table, and I was seriously intimidated by the Preternatural Strength that she had. LF brought Morlock on table and recruited Mylan Horseed to aid in her efforts. G1 had a buck load of Nosferatus which were too ugly for me to identify. (except Baron Dieudonne)
Things started to go badly for Gerentt after Karen used Second Tradition to block YY's many actions until YY cycled into his first Desert Eagle with Dragon's Breath Rounds. With no other vampires to help her, she was promptly diablerized by YY's weenie, in which G1 promptly burnt him with superior vote. With the breathing space given to me, and a first turn Powerbase Montreal, I had Fidus and Ferox onto the table and started doing my thing pretty much freely. Fidus, with a Vessel and a Perfectionist on him, recruited several Hatchlings, Ferox got an Armor of Terra, a Preternatural Strength, a Guardian Angel and eventually a Razor Bat. A just-in-time Channel 10 made Gerentt's life doubly hard with Tara as his only vampire, forcing him to pretty much negotiate with me for almost everything he wanted to do.
A successful Dive Bomb with Raking Talons sent LF's Morlock into torpor, while Gerentt's Parity Shift targeted her instead of me, bringing me much nearer to victory. Gerentt got back into the game after he used these 6 pool gain to bring out Dmitra Iyanova and made her an Alastor with an Assault Rifle. Her first attempt to attack Ferox was intercepted by a Hatchling who went straight to her death. After that, John had finally manage to oust YY and the Alastor was otherwise occupied. (I did further encourage Gerentt to look elsewhere by sending Tara into torpor)
I admire LF for her patience as she is practically out of the game after I sent Morlock away. But my deck had very little forward momentum with no vampires in the prey's controlled region. I bled consistently with my 2 remaining Hatchlings and Erinyi, occasionally with Ferox, but it took a long time before I finally got rid of the Samedi (like, 10 turns, despite absolutely no defense from her, and the 6 pool damage that my predator helped me to inflict, I really need to work on the ousting ability of this deck)
John's Kindred Spirit with a Eye of Chaos ousted Gerentt, and my vampires were suddenly free of the Assault Rifle threat. Needless to say I soon send every single Malkavian into torpor. G1 then made a deal with me to let me win if I allowed him to get his 1 VP.
No reason for me not to agree.
Final VP Count
Me - 3 VPs plus GW
John - 2 VPs
G1 - 1 VP
Looking forward to more Jyhad on Saturday night.

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