Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Skirmishes in the Dark : 27-07-2010

The night of 27th July, in the year 2010, Paradigm Infinitum.
Spent some time chatting with a long lost old friend I met in PI, so I only get to play 1 game (1 complete game anyway) yesternight. So here goes.
Randomized Seating.
Faz's Assamites, bleeding
My Beautiful Eyes, bleeding
LF's Flash deck, bleeding
Damien's Trujah.
I had a reasonably ok start, bringing out Le'Epusette and had the first bleed of the game, also realizing that LF will be playing Toreadors, giving Le'Epusette's random +1 Bleed ability the rare chance to come into play (not that it did me much good). Damien had a terrific draw. A first turn Zillah's Valley, coupled with being the fourth player, allowed him to bring out Al-Muntathir. He then Summoned History-ed a Bowl of Convergence and equipped a AK-47, all on second turn while both his prey and predator has no minions whatsoever to even attempt to block. He then brought out Lubomira to work with his Trujah. Malabranca was my 2nd vampire, while my prey brought out Anneke.
Anneke blocked Damien's attempt to get Clotho's gift and was promptly sent to torpor with the Domain of Evernight + Pocket out of time combo. I made the mistake of not blocking her attempt to leave torpor, and that decided my fate.
An ill fated attempt to recruit Homunculus was blocked by Anneke, who came out with a Concealed .44, Flashed Malabranca to death. After that my game was over. Despite having a .44 on Le'Epusette, I was no match for the Toreador's Flash attacks.
Meanwhile, Faz was quite successful in killing himself by bringing out 3 fat Assamites. Very little was done to me, and he was soon ousted by Damien. The game became a fight between Damien and LF since I have zero vampires to do anything by then. Le'Epusette was sent into torpor and diablerized to give LF another gun.
But the AK-47 proved too much for LF's vampires, especially since Al-Muntathir has FOR.
Final VP Count
Damien's, all Damien's

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