Wednesday, August 04, 2010

The Eternal Jyhad : The Singapore Chantry Update

Here's an update of who's who in Singapore's Vtes struggle. (those I know and remember only, so if you couldn't find your name in this list, you know you've not held the Edge for too long)
1. YY (Prince of Singapore)
2. Bann (previous Prince of Singapore, now the Treasurer of Singapore)
3. LiFei (The Prince's Consort)
4. G1 (Primogen for sure)
5. Me (I write this blog)
6. ZombieBoy (the Necromancer)
7. Derek
8. Lee Wen (Derek's Eternal Partner)
9. John (The Malkavian John)
10. Ben Chia
11. Ben Sum
12. Jeff (the rare Big one)
13. Jeff (messy hair one, going to Tokyo soon I heard)
14. Danz (ex-Prince of Manila, and Ally-mie of Singapore)
15. Dzaki (rare at the moment)
16. WeiYuan
17. Penny
18. YeQi (the Cockroach)
19. YiPeng (in Hong Kong, but occasionally can smell his blood around here)
20. Gerrentt (in US, but comes back to bleed during holidays)
21. Donkey (Owner of the Elysium PI)
22. BK (Owner of Games Garage)
23. Patrick
24. Ryan (the combat Ryan, out-of-print ultra rare)
25. Nash (awaiting his schools days to end so he can rejoin the Jyhad)
26. Darren (in Australia, with many people after his blood over here, literally)
27. Robin (First Prince of Singapore)
28. Damien
29. Richard (ultra-rare now, going out of print, where are you Richard?)
30. Aaron (rare)
31. Jeff (the small one, out-of-print for very long since marriage)
32. Fad
33. Ken (the Vendetta Ken, now out-of-print)
34. Paul & Sheena (congrats on the engagement, apparently both out-of-print forever)
35. QiXian (completely out-of-production)
36. Sherman
37. Alvin (where've you been? Becoming ultra-rare)
38. Kenneth (rare)
39. Joshua (rare)
40. Khris (uncommon)
41. Faiz (uncommon)
That's a lot of vampires for a city of 4 million kine.

1 comment:

unREMb said...

You're missing Zen and friends...
And Andrew (ex-prince) and his friends. They haven't been playing with us for a while though...

And YiPeng is back in Singapore. Permanently, or so I've heard...

I assume no. 41 is Fauzi? and Fad is Fadzuli (sp?)?

Anyone I missed?
Oh! that group that plays in NYP that I've never seen...