Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Skirmishes in the Dark : 03-08-2010

3rd of August, in the year 2010, Paradigm Infinitum.
Work got in the way and I arrived late in PI where several Methuselahs were already engaged in a 5-player struggle. Hungry, I went down for dinner with Zombieboy, but came up to see that the Methuselahs had started another new game~ Oh well.
Bann and the WeiYuan siblings went to play Race after their game and I was finally able to get a game~
Randomized seating-
Dzaki's Saulot, bleeding
Zombieboy's Soul Feast, bleeding
My Along Came a Spider, bleeding
Danz's Toreador Beauty.
With Danz as my prey I was confident of winning, but Danz had been lagging in killing his allies these days, so I thought I better do it myself.
With Uchenna as my first vampire, I Taunt the Cage Beast and attack ZombieBoy's first Giovanni the moment he recruited a Masque on her. A Devil Channel Hands sent her into torpor and Dzaki promptly ate her up during his turn. That really send ZombieBoy back to square one and he had to struggle to stay alive.
Meanwhile, Delilah Easton with an Aching Beauty was making Dzaki's life miserable, but Danz wasn't able to call votes evn after Anson hit the table since my Magaji and Dzaki's Uriel out-vote him. But the bleeds was getting through to Dzaki (and the Aching Beauty too) that I thought I better interfere. With Umdava and Uchenna both with No Secrets, Sniper Rifle and an permanent Intercept card on, I was able to block pretty much everything by turn 5 onwards. But by then, Danz had a Camarilla Segregation on the table and everyone was suffering from it.
Dzaki had held the Edge for the longest time since no one else bled successfully at all, until I finally find some time to bleed Danz to get the Edge, after that Dzaki and me kind of shared the Edge most of the time. I finally spent enough pool to successfully overcome Delilah's Change of Target and sent her into torpor, and then Danz slap another Aching Beauty on Anson, supplementing his minion group with Alexandra. It was then that he could command vote superiority and I lose a lot of pool blocking his damaging votes.
I survived with several Belonging Grants Protection and a Powerbase Montreal, and was in the process of killing Danz when the shop hit the closing hours...
Sigh. 1 Pool, just 1 more pool and Danz is dead...ONE POOL!
Final VP Count
Everybody 0.5 VP

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