The day of 5th September, in the year 2010, Games Garage.
It was a pretty last minute decision (or rather, approval) for me to be able to participate in this qualifier, given the recent health crisis in the family and the issue that it was actually being held on a Sunday AND in the morning wee hours at 9am! (Must miss Church, must miss sleep, must entice know the drills...)
Nevertheless I managed to start preparing for the qualifiers around Saturday midnight, and after pondering for about 5 minutes, decided to use my Forest of Blood deck in the tournament (mainly because it was lying conveniently in sight), but made the most idiotic decision to replace all the Week of Nightmares with (you wouldn't believe this) Lilith's Blessing. I was to regret this decision in every round that I played in the tournament.
Goes to prove the Week of Nightmares is so so so powerful. Don't leave home without it, or it'll make your Ravnos really weak.
After a walk in the rain, I finally reached GG. Despite being late for almost 7 minutes, it seems that most Methuselahs have difficulty Daring the Dawn, and we all waited for about an hour more before the game started. Proudly, I was the first to register for the qualifiers.
Randomized Seating for Game 1
Derek's Tremere Bruise Bleed, bleeding
My Forest of Blood, bleeding
Bann's Nosferatu, bleeding
Dzaki's Saulot Marionette, bleeding
YiPeng's Imbued.
Sitting below a DOM bleeder is a nightmare for every deck, and Derek is a very aggressive bleeding predator. Immediately at the start of the game I started getting consistent Governs and Conditionings from Derek's Selena and gang and I was forced to shift to full defense for the entire game. I was the best predator the whole world could ask for, since I did absolutely nothing to my prey.
Despite this, Bann wasn't able to do too much due to Dzaki's very defensive nature and Saulot's early Biothaumaturgical Experiment cancelling many of his Aid from Bats' advantage in combat. Not to mention that he didn't draw any master ANI cards for his little weenies. On the other hand, YiPeng was being ultra conservative despite having almost no pressure from Dzaki, his Imbueds spending most their time getting bloated, and occasionally bleeding me since Derek was able to happily bounce most bleeds to me. The NSA Trio played by YiPeng destroyed my only hope of using my Paul Forest's Karavaranisha Vrana's ability to bloat a little. (Despite Bann's hints (twice), I forgot the blood discount that Karavaranisha gave me, and proceeded to actually use Paul's blood for all the CHI things he did.)
The only reason I was able to survive was because of Derek's consistent lack of stealth, and my numerous minions blocking most of his bleeds. Of course, eventually I ran out of blood since I didn't draw any Sense Dep for defense, and no Chimestry Master card AND no Path of Paradox.
Surprisingly, maybe it was due to the early morning syndrome, the game lasted the entire 2 hours. I was the first to be ousted, though it was a close one, as Derek was down to 3 pool when YiPeng was done with him, and he used that opportunity to oust me, getting the first VP in the qualifiers (Every other table's Methuselahs were surviving their battles pretty well, no one was ousted until me, so not only was I the first to register, I was the first to be ousted, and by the end of the first game the ONLY one with no VP!). YiPeng did finally ousted Derek before time out.
Final VP Count -
YiPeng - 1.5 VP
Derek - 1 VP
Everybody else but me - 0.5 VP
Me - 0 VP. ZERO. Zip.
Randomized Seating for Game 2
Edward's DOM weenies, bleeding
Derek's Tremere Bruise Bleed, bleeding
Danz's Toreador thing, bleeding
My Forest of Blood.
I got lucky this game with Danz as my predator, as historically he always do a lot of work to eliminate his allies, whom usually holds the exalted position of being my prey. This game was no exception.
Ed started off as aggressive as any DOM weenies are, bleeding CONSISTENTLY with Scouting Mission/Governed the Unaligned + Conditioning/Bonding, with the occasional Sleeping Mind. Derek was having a really hard time handling that, but with his signature doggedness, bounce and bleed Danz whenever he could. Meanwhile, Danz's first vampire was sent into torpor, and after that, had to withstand consistent attacks from the DOM bleeder.
At one point, Derek bounced a 5-point bleed to Danz, and that sent Danz into an extremely defensive mode, though Danz got back on his feet with a Parity Shift (on me), he kinda made Ed's life extremely difficult after playing a successful My Enemy's Enemy (also of a 5-point bleed, now this is retribution).
My Edged Illusions against Ed was devastating, especially after Danz played a Tension in the Ranks. Ed was down to 1 pool when he tried his final turn to oust Derek. He wasn't successful, but was able to reduce Derek to 3 pool (This number seems to be Derek's favorite key number in this qualifier) before I ousted him. After that I was able to cruised through Derek's badly weakened defenses, and finally through Danz to sweep the table.
I was a happy Methuselah.
Final VP Count -
Me - Mine, All Mine. 4VPs plus GW.
Randomized Seating for Game 3
YY's Daughters Vote, bleeding
Bann's Nosferatu, bleeding
My Forest of Blood, bleeding
Keith's Khazar's Diary.
I had very little pressure in playing this game since I know I'm almost definitely going to make it to the finals. But I wanted more VPs, getting in as the top seed was a highly attractive thing. However, I was up against 3 of the best players in my area, and Danz was not my predator.
Strictly speaking, I had the best crypt draw in this game, all my vampires in the opening crypt had superior CHI, making my early attacks rather efficient, and with Tsunda on table I could actually speak in YY's political attempts, keeping most damaging votes to my predator and prey. However, Keith, as usual, had about a ton of minions blocking my bleeds, and with an early Unmasking, (and I have no Path), forced me to be more conservative in bleeding.
Bann was having a bad day against the Daughters, with his only vampire with Raven Spy Sense Dep-ed by me. His attempts to block YY wasn't very successful, but got a lot out of his investment in his minions by bleeding me with Deep Song.
I wasn't able to survive despite reducing Keith's pool to a single row of 5 (after many Liquidation...). YY paid for his inability to oust Bann to give me the chance to oust Keith, and was ousted by Keith straight after my death.
After Keith's pool reached about 20 by playing enough Liquidation, Bann decided to give up and yielded the game.
Final VP Count-
Keith - 3 VPs plus GW
Bann - 1 VP
This was the VP situation as I know it, please visit Domain Singapore for a clear and concise battle report for the finals (coming soon) since I saw YY writing A LOT of notes on the game and LF taking A LOT of pictures. Suffice to say that it was a great game!
Final VP Situation at Finals -
Robin - 1 GW, 5.5 VPs
Me - 1 GW, 4 VPs
Keith - 1 GW, 3.5 VPs
Danz - 1 GW, 2.5 VPs
Derek - 3 VPs
Other Methuselahs present were -
BK, Bann, Dzaki, Edward, YiPeng, YY (for standing in), LF (organizer and photographer) and Faiz.
Too bad Sheena was sick (I heard) and Paul wasn't able to turn up. Really wanted to play with you guys again! Missing Methuselahs please register for Last Chance Qualifiers - we still have a lot of excellent players here to trump the world!
Looking forward to the LCQ!
My Deck in the Asian Qualifiers
Deck Name : Forest of Blood
Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 3 max: 6 average: 4.5
2x Paul Forrest, False Phrophet
1x Ganesh
1x Tsunda
1x Callirus
1x Papa Legba
1x Brian Thompson
1x Devyn
1x Gharston Roland
1x Johann Matheson
1x Gwen Brand
1x Marion French
Library [90 cards]
Action [22]
10x Edged Illusion
4x Fatuus Mastery
2x Sensory Deprivation
6x Tumnimos
Action Modifier [10]
1x False Resonance
8x Fata Morgana
2x Mirror's Visage
Action Modifier/Combat [12]
6x Mirror Image
6x Occlusion
Ally [1]
1x Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
Combat [13]
10x Apparition
3x Trap
Equipment [4]
1x Camera Phone
1x Karavalanisha Vrana
1x Shilmulo Tarot
1x Treasured Samadji
Master [24]
7x Chimerstry
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Fortune Teller Shop
1x Jake Washington (Hunter)
1x Park Hunting Ground
3x Path of Paradox, The
2x Ravnos Carnival
4x Vessel
1x Visit from the Capuchin
1x Wash
2x Lilith's Blessing
Reaction [2]
2x Ignis Fatuus
It was Blood Cult Awareness Network by Yipeng, not NSA trio.... ;-p
Imbued: the Play-My-Own-Game
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