Monday, September 12, 2011

The coming Vtes Asian Tournament

Well, well, here comes the Asian Championship again~

Manila, here I come, now, have to try not to be too lazy and get that air ticket soon~ this torpor thing is pretty contagious.

What deck should I bring over there to fight it out? Given that the last time I played Vtes was like a year ago, I can't very well remember how everything is like very well. Definitely not using my Ian Forestal Summoning deck.

Then what?

I don't really have many tournament quality deck ready for use. Perhaps my Howling deck?

Or maybe I'll just bring a typical Euro Prince and just go there and slug it out~

Painful it is, painful~



Y.Y. said...

Weenie Computer Haxxor?

Cry Wolf said...

I'm pretty sure if you play the EuroBrujah deck, you'll contest with Louie. :)

Good luck to you.